Peter Urscheler on the challenges and rewards of creating a life of meaning

When we create our stories each week, one of the most agonizing decisions is what to call people. How do you distill a life—in the case of our storytellers, an otherworldly life—into the three or four words of a title scroll?

Earlier this year Peter Urscheler was named the President of the PA Jaycees.

We’ve been featuring new, innovative non-profit organizations this winter on 3MS, and we wanted to also call attention to the vital community work that long-standing organizations like the Jaycees do within communities.

For 70 years, the Jaycees (The United States Junior Chamber) have provided development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

In this 3MS, Peter tells of the tragic passing of his beloved mother and how it prompted him to take stock of his life. Motivated by the legacy of her servant-leadership, Peter opens to the growing emptiness that’s come from a life built with the “unstable materials” of power, control, and wealth. He leaves his comfortable corporate career and begins a journey to align himself with his deepest values. That journey has not been easy, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.

As is often the case, the shift happened when he released his attempt to control. Peter embodies the courage to trust that life will continue to show up for him as long as he remains aligned to his heart’s mission. It’s a staggeringly bold and inspiring way to live.

Find out more about the Jaycees mission by visiting

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